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Tuesday, September 06, 2005

FreeRAM XP Pro v1.40

FreeRAM XP Pro v1.40

Is your memory getting a little hazy? It could be all those drugs you ingested when you were young. Or, in the case of your computer's RAM, it could be all those impolite programs that don't manage memory correctly. When ill-mannered programs don't release your computer's RAM after you run them, FreeRAM can do the job. FreeRAM XP Pro is a freeware application that frees and defragments your computer's random access memory. As you use your computer, open applications, surf the Internet, and navigate Windows, your system's memory usually decreases. FreeRAM XP Pro frees up this memory, thereby increasing system response time, stability, speed, and efficiency.

This version introduces RAM-Cuts (shortcuts designed to free RAM). Download


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